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Prior to the industrial revolution, many boys grew up on farms, side by side with their father and grandfather a constant source of reference to what being a man was all about.

Characteristics of trust, faithfulness diligence and a father and grandfather were very present and powerful influences on a young boy.

If not a farm then a small community, either a small town or city in which the community knew each other, worked together socialised together For a young man growing up on a farm his father was a very real presence in his life, an example (good or bad) of work ethic, protection, discipline and nurture.

Can you imagine how hard it would be to learn the art of lying in an environment where you spent 12 hours of your working day alongside your father and your grandfather, then went home to a two bedroom hut to eat and sleep together.

How could lies be hidden?

What would be the gain in lying?

How could you have any secrets?

I’m sure that it happened but you can imagine the openness and the accountability that may exist in such an environment as opposed to the homes of today.

I wonder if, strained as it may have been. The effect that being restrained, disciplined and shaped by a father in such an environment.


Can you imagine how hard it would be to learn the art of lying in an environment where you spent 12 hours of your working day alongside your father and your grandfather, then went home to a two bedroom hut to eat and sleep together. How could lies be hidden? What would be the gain in lying? How could you have any secrets


Author bobby-earle

Bobby-Earle leads the team at Alpha Dogs.

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